Market access
Market Access Program
In fulfilment of our mandate to develop Basotho enterprises, the Basotho Enterprise Development Corporation (BEDCO) has therefore initiated a project to assist MSMEs to better access markets locally, regionally, and internationally.
Purpose of the project
The overall goal of the access to markets project is to assist MSMEs to develop sales and distribution channels that will improve their sales turnover of MSMEs by increasing their market share.
The project is intended to achieve the following objectives:
• Increase the local footprint of MSME’s products.
• Increase international market penetration.
Programme description
The project will assist MSMEs to access markets in the following manner:
• Business linkages with large businesses (corporates) and government suppliers.
• Development of sustainable value chains within the MSME sector.
• Exposure of MSME products to individual buyers through EXPOs, Flea Markets, and advertising activities.
• Exposure of MSME products to international markets in line with Lesotho’s trade agreements through trade fairs, trade missions and international EXPOs.
Activities in the project include:
• Sourcing of corporate and Government off-takers.
• Capacity building of MSMEs to meet requirements.
• Identification of Aggregators/Agents etc.
• Coordination of market linkages activities along value chains.
• Coordination of promotional activities – Expos, Trade Fares, Trade Missions.
• Facilitation of agreements between producers and wholesalers/retailers.
• Coordination of follow-ups activities for various players along the value chains.