Basotho Enterprises Development Corporation (BEDCO) invites Request for Proposals (RFP) from local, reputable and experienced fi rms/individuals for provision of Real Estate Services. The company /individual that will be selected will be responsible for sourcing and selecting suitable tenants to occupy vacant units at all BEDCO estates in the country per BEDCO Property Management Processes and Procedures. The estates are located at the following places: Mokhotlong, Butha – Buthe, Hlotse, Teyateyaneng, Maseru, Mafeteng, Mohale’s Hoek, Quthing and Qacha’s Nek. (Only companies with a minimum of Five (5) years practical experience in providing Real Estate Services are eligible to submit proposals).
Sealed tender envelopes marked “Provision of Real Estate Services” bearing no identifi cation of the tenderer must be submitted on or before 24th May 2024, at 12:00hrs, at BEDCO, Sebaboleng, Maseru into a tender box located at the reception area. Opening of the tenders will be on the same date at 12:15 hrs at BEDCO Conference Hall, Sebaboleng,BEDCO, Maseru.
A detailed RFP document will be available for a non-refundable fee of M1000.00 at Procurement Offi ce, BEDCO, Sebaboleng, Maseru from Tuesday 7th May 2024. A refundable bid security of M10,000.00 from a commercial bank in a form of bid guarantee must accompany the tender document.
For enquiries contact Karabelo Maluke at this number: 58558266 during working hours (8:00am to 5pm) Monday to Friday or email . Disclaimer: BEDCO reserves the right to cancel the bids before the submission or opening of bids, postpone the bids before submission/opening dates and to accept or reject any or all bids. BEDCO is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid.